Monday, July 4, 2011

Widmer Brothers Brewery

Widmer Brothers Brewery is located was founded in 1984. It is located in Portland, Oregon. It is one of the larger microbreweries in existence. In fact, a few years ago they merged with Redhook, another large microbrewery, and are now the 9th largest brewery in the United States.

Due to their size, you have likely had (or at least seen) a Widmer beer before. Their hefeweizen is their most popular beer, and I believe it is the only one to be distributed nationally. The rest stay closer to home.

As is the case with most microbreweries that scale up in size, their beers are good, but lack pizazz. The hefeweizen is a solid beer, and I have been known to order it occasionally at a pub.

Perhaps my favorite thing about the larger microbreweries is that they distribute beer in variety packs. I have bought a couple of the Widmer variety packs, and everything I've had was enjoyable. I'm not sure what the barrier to entry is for distributing variety packs, but I would like to see more breweries doing it. I am about ten times as likely to buy a variety pack over a sixer of a particular style. I like to have options, and I think this desire for variety is a fairly universal trait among craft beer enthusiasts.

This will be a short post, I don't have too much to say about Widmer. Just wanted to include a brewery that everyone back east would recognize. Happy Fourth of July.

1 comment:

  1. Happy 4th of July. Wish you were here to celebrate with us. I miss you.
