Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Fort Dalles Day Rodeo

The past ten days or so have been Fort Dalles Days. I'm not sure of all that this means. What I know is: admission to Fort Dalles is free, and there was a rodeo.

My roommate Ryan is from Oklahoma and was pretty excited. Never having been to a rodeo myself, I was curious.

We arrived a bit late, but were still able to see a number of events including barrel racing, bull riding, and something I believe was called team tying in which two mounted fellows had to lasso the horns and hind legs of a young bull. They were able to do this in about 5.5 seconds. I was impressed.

Bull riding was the last event. The rules, as I understand them, are that the rider must keep their hand on a rope tied around the bull for at least 8 seconds in order to succeed. I believe only one rider was able to keep hold for the eight seconds, and most of that was spent sitting on the ground next to the bull. And I'm sure that was not easy either.

I had a good time, I'm glad Ryan dragged me out there.


  1. I'm super jealous. When I was little at the barn, we would have "fun shows" where we would do barrel racing and pole bending competitions, even though we rode english. I was never very good at it but it was a lot of fun. We would end each show with a high jump competition which was by far my favorite event!

  2. The only rodeo I have been to was in Costa Rica and it was a lot of fun. this sounds like a cool experience.
