Monday, July 25, 2011

Himalayan Blackberry

Himalayan Blackberry is an invasive plant here. It's actually invasive all over the western world including the majority of the United States. But as far as invasive species go, this one is probably on the lower end of concern. There are a few bushes around the dam, but they aren't choking out other life to the degree some invasive species do, and this time of year they are all bearing large, delicious fruit.

Not a bad snack for a slow July afternoon.


  1. Is this the same type of blackberry we find other places in the country, midwest and east? I LOVE blackberries. These look really large for wild blackberries. What a nice snack. Isn't it great to forage for food.

  2. The range of Himalayan Blackberry in the United States, in addition to the entire west, includes a smattering of states in the midwest and east. Here's the best map I could find of its distribution in North America:
