Friday, May 20, 2011

Zonking Out

I haven't had time to write a real post since Becca left, so I am going to put up one of my emergency posts that I have been saving for an occasion like this.

By Monday I should have the time to write a few posts about Becca's visit. We had a great time and did quite a bit, so you will probably be hearing about it for a while. For now, though, I just switched over to the AM shift and am exhausted. So, in lieu of a current post, here are some pictures I acquired on the way out of people completely zonked out.

Becca spent about 80% of the trip out here asleep, so it is only appropriate that the first picture be of her. Most of the time she slept like an angel, of course, but this particular picture captured a moment of zonking.

This next photo is from our stopover in Denver. What you are witnessing here is a mass zonk-out prompted by a few cocktails and some excellent enchiladas.

Last, but certainly not least, my zonk-out picture. I would feel guilty posting these if there wasn't a good one of me.

During the trip I was unable to sleep much. This was due largely in part to my usually taking the first shift and drinking too much coffee. In fact, I only fell asleep in the car once, and that was only for about half an hour. Fortunately, Becca was opportunistic with the camera and captured me in a most photogenic repose.

1 comment:

  1. These are great---might be useful blackmail. Glad you and Becca had a great visit.
