Friday, May 27, 2011

Chimney Rock

After a brief 3-mile hike on the lake trail, we headed over to Chimney Rock. It felt like a two hike kind of day. The Chimney Rock trail was also about 3 miles, with the addition of a few hundred feet of elevation gain. This whole area is high desert, so the trail started at 3000' and climbed up to around 3500'. Nothing too strenuous.

The hike was pretty. It was located in a canyon carved by the Crooked river. Along the trail there was a dry waterfall. It was very interesting, but did not photograph well.

We stopped at the top of the canyon to have lunch. During nice weather you are supposed to be able to see the Three Sisters, a row of 3 volcanic peaks. There was a brief break in the clouds and I think we saw them, but it was overcast for the majority of the hike. There was actually a bit of sleet while we were lunching.

It was not the most photogenic day, so these photographs do not do justice to the scenery, but they are still pretty. The last one even has some sky in it:

1 comment:

  1. that actually does kinda look like a chimney. i hope you checked for hobbits.
