Monday, May 30, 2011

The Painted Hills

On the way home from camping we decided to stop at The Painted Hills. The Painted Hills is one unit of the John Day Fossil Beds National Monument. John Day Fossil beds is divided into three units. In addition to the Painted Hills, there are a couple others more focused on fossils. The majority of the fossils are ancient mammals (early horses, camels, rhinos, etc). Fossils have never been all that exciting to either Becca or myself, so we decided to skip those units. Not to mention that they would have added a couple hours of driving to our trip.

The Painted Hills are made up of exposed sediments from back when this region was an alluvial plain. The sediments come in a variety of colors from yellow and black to red and violet. It's an interesting place.

That's about all there is to say about the Painted Hills. We only spent a couple hours there. But this post is mostly about the pictures.


  1. The pictures are lovely especially the one of you and Becca. We are enjoying having Becca here. Her roommate Emily has been visiting this weekend also. Happy Memorial Day---I miss you!
