Wednesday, March 16, 2011

The Trip West Part 1

We left on the evening of Thursday, March 3rd for Woodbridge, where we spent a couple of nights. The trip began in earnest on Saturday the 5th, when we set out for Findlay.

The first few days of the trip were driving through either familiar or boring scenery. The highlight of this portion of driving was perhaps the Mississippi River, which I found to be thoroughly underwhelming. Pardon me if I sound jaded, but I suppose I've just heard so much about it that I expected something more striking (and yes, that is the best picture I have of it).

Colorado was the beginning of the exciting landscapes for us, and it only got better from there. Jon and Ian had me convinced that I would be bored by Wyoming, but the trip from I-80 to Jackson, on the route to The Tetons/Yellowstone, was absolutely gorgeous. After growing up on an alluvial plain, I find just about any sort of rocky outcropping exciting. Wyoming did not disappoint in this. Every turn held a new, gorgeous landform. That, combined with the wide, empty landscape and lack of other cars on the road, made for an exciting and enjoyable drive.

That evening we stopped in Jackson, WY, apparently home to many a ski resort. Jackson was a nice resort town, and we were able to get an excellent deal on a room there. But when we arrived, I noticed something terribly amiss. Tune in tomorrow for more.

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