Sunday, March 20, 2011

Leaving Portland

This may seem premature, as my posts have not yet covered what I did in Portland, but I thought I would post my itinerary anyways. At the time this posts I will have already left. I stayed in Portland a week, and I wanted to explore the Northwest a bit more before my internship starts and I am stuck in this area. So, here it is:

3/18-19: Mapleton, OR
3/20: Astoria, OR
3/21: Aberdeen, WA
3/22: Port Angeles, WA
3/23-29: Seattle, WA
3/30-31: Troutdale, OR

I've planned day hikes in between a lot of the stops. Mapleton will allow me to check out the Oregon coast, which is supposed to be stunning. Getting to Astoria should be a beautiful drive up the coast (if a bit of a long one).

Aberdeen is a stop planned to be close enough to Hoh Rainforest to allow me to spend a day hiking there and still make it to Port Angeles by the evening. From Port Angeles I will be able to do another day hike in Olympic National Park before heading over to Seattle.

This part of the itinerary could be subject to change. I have not yet booked a room in Seattle, and I am unsure of whether I would like to spend an entire week there. I may end up spending more time around Olympic National Park.

From Seattle I will head down to Troutdale, OR, for the McMenamin's Edgefield location. I am excited about this place. It is a brewery with a beer-serving theater, several restaurants, a hostel, a hotel, and large English gardens. It's less than an hour from The Dalles, so on April 1st I will be only a short drive away, and can settle in early. Perhaps even early enough to claim the room with a fireplace.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the blog. I love the northwest, and wish I were with you. There's no shortage of scenery there. Soak it up. (Not the rain --- the scenery)
