Monday, August 1, 2011

Farewell to Oregon

This past Friday, the 29th, was my last day of work. I have really enjoyed my job and the chance to spend the summer out here in Oregon. It has been a great experience. I am quite fond of Oregon, but I am also excited to be coming home.

At the time that this posts, Becca and I will have already started the trip back to Virginia. Because we will be without internet, the blog will go quiet for a couple of weeks. But be sure to check back in mid-to-late August for a few last posts about the return journey. Here are the sights we are planning to see on the return:

Crater Lake
Sequoia & Kings Canyon
Las Vegas
The Grand Canyon

After those, we will stop in Denver. Becca has to fly to NYC for some job interviews, and I plan to shoot across the midwest as fast as possible, so that I can be back in VA a few days before my next internship starts.


  1. I am very glad that you had a good experience in Oregon---such a beautiful place. What a great adventure you have ahead of you! See you in Indiana on the 10th.

  2. vegas baby vegas! i am wicked jealous. my old roommate nate just got back from there, he says they just give you free booze the whole time you're gambling. i don't see any way that can end badly.
