Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Rowena Plateau and the Historic Highway Trail

This past weekend I went with a couple of my roommates to check out Rowena Plateau and the historic highway trail from Mosier to Hood River. Rowena Plateau is a scenic overlook with a couple of trails kept by the Nature Conservancy. It's a pretty area with some wonderful views, but the wind was fierce. And the longer trail to McCall's Point was closed. So, we after hiking the 1 mile trail there, we went to check out the other trail.

As it turns out, I took very few pictures on the second trail. Only the last two in this post are from the second trail, but they are pretty interesting. These next two are both from Rowena Plateau.

This field was interesting to me. The entire thing is made up of big chunks of talus. It's pretty normal to see slopes of talus, but an entire field?

You can't tell very well in the photo, but this entire tree is blackened from wildfires. There was a lot of evidence of wildfires along the trail. At least at first. After a mile or so we crossed an area with higher annual rainfall, so the trees got thicker and there was less evidence of wildfires.

Didn't see too much. One of the folks I was with wanted to turn around after a couple miles, so we only did about half the trail. It was okay, though. The day before was my roommate Ryan's birthday, so we were out pretty late. Next weekend I'll have to find something more adventurous (this path was paved).

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