Monday, April 11, 2011

Pike Place Market and Science Fiction

Pardon the chronology of the blog being all out of whack, but I am now going to harken back to when I was still on the road.

By the time I got to Seattle I think I was starting to get a little tired of traveling. I probably didn't take full advantage of my time in the area, but I did see some cool sights. And it definitely didn't help that my hotel was in a sketchy part of SeaTac.

Other than the sketchiness of the neighborhood, the hotel was great. It was cheap, and it was located about a half a mile away from a link station, so I could get a train into town for $2.50. I prefer to be on foot when exploring a city. You can't take in things well from a car, and parking is typically outrageously expensive. So, I enjoyed that about my stay in Seattle.

What I saw in Seattle ended up being a lot of science fiction. The Science of Star Wars exhibit had just opened a few days before I arrived, so I checked that out at the Pacific Science Center (thanks for the tip, Nate). The other science fiction exhibit I saw was the Battlestar Galactica exhibit at the Sci-Fi museum.

The Star Wars exhibit was pretty neat. Tons of props and costumes, some interesting science, and a ride in the cockpit of the Millenium Falcon. I was there on a Friday afternoon, so the rest of the exhibit was filled with parents and tiny, screaming children, but I still enjoyed myself.

The Battlestar Galactica exhibit was pretty small. Nothing compared to the Star Wars exhibit, but I felt like I ought to see it. Battlestar Galactica is, after all, one of my favorite television shows.

Other than those exhibits, I didn't do too much sightseeing. I went to the Pike Place Market on the weekend. I'm not really the market-going type, typically. And with no kitchen and my car already pretty well packed, there wasn't a whole lot for me buy there. So, I wandered through, looked at the art, enjoyed the huge flower stands, watched some folks toss fish around, and had some street food for lunch. This time it was a couple of samosas. Can't go wrong with those.

This is the stand where the employees toss the fish around.