Monday, April 25, 2011

Eighteenmile Island

Eighteenmile Island is a small island located in the Columbia river between Mosier and Hood River. According to the internet, it has an area of just under 10 acres. What makes Eighteenmile Island interesting is that it houses a single private residence. I have been told that the island is owned by Tom Selleck, of Magnum P.I. fame. I'm not sure if this is true. The internet tells me that it used to be referred to as Chicken Charlie's Island, definitely a much more interesting name.

Anyways, zoning restricts any further development of the island, but the lone structure remains. And it is still privately owned. The island is accessible only by boat, but has power lines coming from the mainland to supply electricity. Water has to be taken from the Columbia and filtered.

At first glance, this seems like an idyllic getaway. A private island is a pretty standard fantasy, I believe. The description of the island on wikipedia lists features including douglas firs, willows, a basalt cliff, wildflowers, and a sandy beach. There is however a downside to this residence. The downside is that it is located no more than a few hundred feet from a constantly busy highway. Other than that, it would be amazing. Though perhaps better suited to being a bed and breakfast than a home.

The island was put back up for sale in 2007 for $1.4 million. Since then it appears the price has dropped to $950k. In the description, they offer "bragging rights" as a reason to buy this house. No joke.

1 comment:

  1. Pretty cool--with the price reduction, maybe we should make an offer.
