Wednesday, June 22, 2011

The Wedding

I apologize for my recent absence. I was busy preparing for, and traveling to, Nathan and Gillian's wedding. The trip from Oregon to Florida is a long one. It took me about 22 hours on the way there (there were some delays), and around 13 on the way back. I am totally exhausted from the long weekend and will be going to sleep as soon as I finish writing this on Tuesday afternoon.

The wedding was a blast. It is always great to get together with the family, and you can't beat south Florida as a location, or your brother's wedding as an event for such a get-together. There was a great deal of eating, drinking, and merry-making, as would be expected. Lounging on the beach was particularly enjoyable, serving as a break from the still frequently chilly weather here in Oregon.

I did not take many pictures. What I do have are a few pictures of the Sundy House and Del Ray Beach. A large portion of my readership was at the wedding, but for those of you that weren't, I'll include some photos.

The Sundy House had some nice features: an impressive tropical garden, a chemical-free freshwater pool with fish to keep it clean, and a smaller pool with siamese algae eaters who enjoy nibbling the skin off your feet. This last feature was a bit strange, but people have been known to pay a great deal of money for this treatment at ritzy spas. It is a bit unnerving. Despite sitting there for probably twenty minutes, I still involuntarily kicked every time one would start chewing at my toes.

This is everyone enjoying the pool full of siamese algae eaters.

The fish crowded to Tim's feet en masse. Occasionally, one would come over to me, but Tim had a consistent six or seven at all times. His flesh is apparently the tastiest of our lot.

And here's a bunch of us enjoying the fine Florida weather.


  1. We had a fantastic time at the wedding! The Sundy House was amazing, the beach beautiful and most important was seeing everyone. Thanks and congratulations to Nathan and Gillian.

  2. aw man, i wanna be in sunny southern florida getting spa fish treatments and whatnot
