Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Grand Canyon

The Grand Canyon is exactly as awe-inspiring as you have heard. Even with all of the times I've seen photos of the Grand Canyon throughout my like, I had no idea just how large it was. It is hard to comprehend the 18-mile wide and 6,000 foot deep canyon until you see it.

In the morning, we went for a hike. We decided to hike down a few miles of the Bright Angel trail, one of the most popular trails at the Grand Canyon. We didn't start quite as early as we should have, so it was already pretty hot out. We hiked about a mile and a half down into the canyon and then back out.

The hike was good, but I think the Canyon is better suited -- at least on a short trip -- to a scenic drive. It is around 13 miles to the river on the Bright Angel trail, so unless you have a few days, you can't really hike the whole way. Some day I would like to do that, but with our one very hot day we decided to go for a drive instead.

There are many overlooks along the Canyon, each with a stunning view.

After our drive we went back to the campsite and cooked up a fine meal. Wood-grilled steaks, roasted lemon garlic asparagus, and herb roasted baby red potatoes.

With full bellies we headed back out to watch the sun set over the Canyon. The changing shadows and colors of the sunset were amazing.

There were some terrifying precipices as well.

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