Friday, June 3, 2011


At Prineville Reservoir, there is a friendly community of chipmunks. They came around every day at mid-morning to nibble bits of marshmallow off of roasting sticks and climb into the trash bag.

I tried not to feed them much. I am guilty of giving them a couple almonds. And I did not shoo them away from eating the crumbs of my breakfast. The upside of this is that I was able to get some pretty cute photos. Whenever I lowered my camera to get a good angle they would run up as if it was a food item. Anyways, here are the best ones:

This one is my favorite. Those cheeks are stuffffffed with s'mores crumbs.


  1. you should make an actual tiny s'more and get a shot of them eating it. i bet that would make the cut if you submitted it at
